About me
President Elect Gary Blair retired from Southern AgCredit, ACA, formally known as Federal Land Bank, in 2016 after 36 years of service to agriculture in Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana and Texas. Currently he has a private consulting business, Legacy Land & Financial Consulting. He has several clients including Addicus, a multifamily office financial business located in Tupelo and Oxford, Mississippi. Blair is the Managing Member of Blair Legacy Tree Farm located in Carroll County, Mississippi and is a member of the Forest Landowners Association.
Blair is a 1981 Graduate of Mississippi State University with degrees from the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (BA- Agribusiness) and the College of Business (BBA-General Business Administration). He is married to the former Johnna Pulley of Jackson, Miss. They have one son Jonathan, 31, a graduate of Mississippi State University, College of Business.
Blair is a former President of the Mississippi Forestry Association, Mississippi Association of Conservation Districts, Brookhaven Chamber of Commerce, United Way and Lions Club. He was a Council Chairman for the Lions of Mississippi, National President of the Mississippi State University Alumni Association and member of the board of director of the Mississippi State University Development Foundation. He was also the Mississippi State University representative on the Council for Agricultural Research, Extension and Teaching (CARET) for Land Grant Universities.
He currently serves as a board member for the Carroll County Soil and Water Conservation District, Mississippi Forestry Foundation and Mississippi State University Fellowship of Christian Athletes Chapter. He has served NACD as a Southeastern Executive Board member, Mississippi Board member, Finance Committee Chairman, Communications Committee Vice Chairman and Forestry Resource Policy Group Vice Chairman. He has also served on the NACD Legislative and Resolutions Committees.
He has been named Mississippi State University’s College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Alumnus of the Year.