Welcome to the 79th Annual Meeting of the National Association of Conservation Districts! 

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Tuesday February 11, 2025 2:45pm - 3:45pm MST
Hear two exciting presentations during this session!
  1. Benefits of Snow Survey to conservation in the U.S. West - Water conservation efforts in the U.S. West have benefitted from water supply forecasts based on snowpack conditions for over 100 years. This breakout session will focus on the use of NRCS Snow Survey data and reports to inform & support conservation efforts both historically and for the foreseeable future. Speakers will include NRCS Water Supply Specialists employed by the Snow Program as well as water managers from local Conservation Districts to underscore the importance of this partnership. 
  2. Engaging Climate Conversations: Helping Planners Navigate Climate Strategies - This session explores the powerful role of conservation partnerships in driving climate mitigation and resilience. Through collaboration with USDA, NRCS, and RCDs, participants will learn about the climate change and mitigation projects happening across the U.S. and gain insights on how planners can effectively guide clients in climate mitigation outreach and education. The session will include an interactive segment where participants can share their training needs and hear how to get involved. 

Jordan Clayton

NRCS Snow Survey

Kimber Moreland

USDA-ARS California Climate Hub
Tuesday February 11, 2025 2:45pm - 3:45pm MST
Salt Lake A (2nd)

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