Welcome to the 79th Annual Meeting of the National Association of Conservation Districts! 

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Tuesday February 11, 2025 9:00am - 9:45am MST
Ten years ago, with the support of the USDA NRCS, NACD launched the Soil Health Champions Network with the goal of implementing soil health practices on more acres through supporting education, outreach, and research. As the Network celebrates this milestone, this focus group aims to source input from Soil Health Champions and partners for the future of the NACD Soil Health Champions Network. While this focus group is open to all attendees, the NACD Soil Health Champions will be the primary audience. Come help guide us into the next decade for soil health!
avatar for Beth Mason

Beth Mason

North Central Region Representative, NACD
Tuesday February 11, 2025 9:00am - 9:45am MST
Snowbird (3rd)
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